Number 3 of 2017
Lymington Harbour Commissioners have received advice from New Forest District Council that part of the river wall which lies adjacent to and south of the Royal Lymington Yacht Club is unstable.
In the interests of safety it is therefore necessary to introduce a temporary 4 metre wide navigation exclusion zone along the affected part of the wall. The exclusion zone is marked by a line of buoys secured to a ground chain. The photo below shows the line of buoys (yellow) and the unstable section of wall (red).
All craft including dinghies and small craft accessing the Bath Road slipway and Royal Lymington Yacht Club pontoon must keep outside of the exclusion zone.
Also, the mooring line fixing points mounted on the unstable section of wall must not be used to secure boats.
This restriction will remain in force until further notice.
R. Willegers
Harbour Master
Issued: 10th February 2017