How to apply for a Long Term Visitor Mooring

Long term visitor (LTV) mooring licences are allocated subject to availability and boat compatibility with the available mooring and a waiting list normally applies. At the time of allocation priority will be given to applications received from local residents on the waiting list for a resident mooring according to their 'seniority' date.

To download a copy of the LTV mooring application form for the Summer 2024 season (April 2024 to September 2024) click HERE

To download a copy of the LTV mooring application form for the Winter 2024/25 season (October 2024 to March 2025) click HERE.

LTV mooring licences and use of electrical connections are subject to our Mooring Waiting List & Allocation Policy and Terms & Conditions.

For a list of charges for a LTV mooring click HERE.

Copyright Lymington Harbour Commissioners 2019 all rights reserved.